How Jbucks are earned & what can you spend them on?
Jbucks are the points system for how users can buy downloads and access restricted areas on the forum. Users can earn points from a variety of activities, which are posted at

If you need help editing smaller projects (like 100 to 900 words), you can hire editing services for Jbucks. Since this is a new service I'm offering, prices are subject to change without notice (₰ = Jbucks):

100 - 149 words - 300 ₰
150 - 249 words - 400 ₰
250 - 399 words - 550 ₰
400 - 599 words - 750 ₰
600 - 749 words - 900 ₰
750 - 900 words - 1000 ₰

Editing will include corrections as well as a summary of repetitive errors and how to avoid them.

These rates are subject to change at any time as the forum is still under contstruction. When rates are permanent, this notice will be removed.