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Last Updated: 11-12-2022, 08:55 PM
Name: Trouble in Paradise
Category: Free Novels for Members Only
Points: 0 ₰ (You have: 0 ₰)
Submitted by: Judel
Downloads: 0
Views: 312
MD5: 7e3f9993a9e16b7713b8aa4d64ffd3a9
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Icia wakens from a coma with no memory of who she is. A man arrives, claiming to be her husband. Although she doesn't trust him, she's relinquished to his care, only to discover that he is a very bad man. Where is her real husband, and will he get to her in time? This is one of Jude's earlier novellas that she's now offering in hopes of getting new fans of her writing. Rated PG-13


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