Do you offer ghostwriting services?
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Do you offer ghostwriting services?
I noticed that you offer editing, cover design and publishing services, so I would like to ask if you also offer ghostwriting services. If so, how much do they cost per word? Thank you for your time.
Hi! Thanks for asking, but unfortunately, no, I do not offer ghostwriting.
I'm circling back to this question.  Though I do not offer ghostwriting, where I write something and someone else claims they wrote it, I might be willing to write something specific for someone.  Like if you needed an article for your site about a particular topic, I might be willing to do that. Did sort of something like that on Constant Content.  Of course, it would have to be on something I'm somewhat knowledgable about.  I think I was paid around $5 for every 1000 words, but then that was at least a decade ago.  Depending on the topic, I guess it could range from $5 (no research) up to $15 (mandatory research) per 500 words.  Just throwing that out there, if anyone was interested. I might even be willing to take Jbucks for it for those willing to put in the time/effort it takes to earn 500 to 1500 Jbucks.

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